
This powerful 21st Century Study Skills Program is the starting point your child needs to get on track, stay focused, and develop the Cognitive Thinking Skills and confidence they need to achieve greater academic and personal success:

Benefits of Successful Study Skills

With global competition today in school and on the job, every student needs these time-tested and proven study skills to gain the competitive edge. Nothing is more stressful in life for students than studying for and taking high-stakes tests. Whether it's graduating from high school, getting into a good college or finding a rewarding career the ability to study and learn effectively from textbooks is key. 

Unfortunately, most high schools do not teach these study skills as part of their program of studies and, as a result, many students never reach their full academic potential, or even worse, struggle in school with frustration because they do not know how to study. If your student(s) are struggling in school, or passing but want to do better, then consider the benefits of our 21st Century Study Skills program:

In One Day your student will learn how to: 

  • Stop struggling in school and improve academic performance forever 
  • Master any course that uses a textbook and/or textual information
  • Achieve higher test scores, better grades, and a higher GPA with less stress
  • Prepare to perform and complete required college-level work successfully
  • Identify their specific needs for effective study skills and improve studying immediately
  • Use 6 Proven Steps (SQ4R) to read and study effectively from textbooks 
  • Take perfect notes that separate what's important from what's not important 
  • Develop excellent study habits and manage preparation time wisely 
  • Use left-brain/right-brain memory techniques to store and recall important information
  • Be more organized and increase reading comprehension and literacy skills
  • Gain more confidence studying for and taking high-stakes tests in any course
  • Reduce test anxiety and achieve higher levels of academic and personal success 
  • Become a better life-long learner and more productive citizen
Our motto is: " If a student is academically motivated there is absolutely NO reason to fail if they are properly trained how to study!"

Stop Struggling in School.
Learn How to Get Higher Test Scores, Grades and GPA!

Especially beneficial for students in: Grades 7-12 and College

Your Grades Will Soar

21st Century Study Skills Boost Student Confidence and Gain Competitive Edge