Study Skills Blog


Posted November 10th, 2021

The integrated teaching and learning components of 21st Century Study Skills based on SQ3R will have a huge positive impact on the climate and accomplishments of your school(s) measured in terms of improved teaching effectiveness and increased student academic and personal success. Students will develop greater academic confidence and higher levels of personal motivation to achieve better grades, GPAs and earn Honor Roll status. The pedagogical skills and Differentiated Instruction techniques gained from these proprietary training programs can be used immediately to: increase student success, reduce academic failure, dropping out, and chronic absenteeism as well as close academic achievement gaps between student groups.  Teachers will also learn effective Classroom Management skills they did not learn in college to gain valuable teaching time and control in the classroom by reducing unnecessary disciplinary situations that waste everyone’s valuable time and create lots of stress.


Implement a time-tested and proven community Character Education awareness program in the school(s) and train your faculty how to teach Social Emotional Learning knowledge and concepts effectively to reduce bullying and harassment, increase student well-being, and boost student academic performance. Utilize all your school resources by developing and implementing a Student-to-Student Mentoring Program in your school(s) by training upperclassmen how to mentor and support struggling underclassmen by teaching them time-management, organizational, and how-to-study skills effectively to get good test scores and grades. Properly implemented, this mentoring program can become self-sustaining with many benefits for the students, parents, teachers, school, and community.


Schools and districts need to put greater emphasis on ‘College and Career Readiness’ initiatives. On average, only 6% of students that enroll in 2-year colleges graduate in 2 years and only 41% of students that enroll in 4-year colleges graduate in 4 years. These exorbitant college dropout rates are one of the costliest family problems today in terms of financial investments and low student self-esteem. To remedy this problem, you need to use SQ3R-based teaching and learning techniques, which have been proven to be the most effective study skills developed in 80 years, from grades 6-12 and beyond, to empower students to achieve and exceed their full academic potential. Improve your school(s) by increasing student success, producing better life-long learners and more productive citizens. If you are seeking a veteran Educational Consultant with expertise in all of the above areas to help you improve your school(s) with strategic teaching and learning programs please visit our website and contact us:

Stop Struggling in School.
Learn How to Get Higher Test Scores, Grades and GPA!

Especially beneficial for students in: Grades 7-12 and College

Your Grades Will Soar

21st Century Study Skills Get Higher Test Grades With Lower Stress