SQ3R is called the “Father of all How-to-Study Programs†for one reason. It WORKS and has proven to be the most effective study skills program for more than 70 years! Its the only study skills strategy endorsed by collegeboard.com and recommended by most major colleges in the student services section of their websites. SQ3R was researched and developed during the beginning of WWII by Francis P. Robinson, Effective Study, 1942 at Ohio State University and used to train 150,000 military personnel into leadership positions so they could successfully lead the war effort into Asia and Europe. Some military scholars say it helped us win the war. Unfortunately, over the years, SQ3R has fallen through the cracks and has become a forgotten studying tool. In fact, this dynamic how-to-study strategy is rarely taught today in public schools and, as a result, students go through school not knowing how to study effectively and unable to reach their full potential. Often times, due to faulty study habits, students consistently get low test scores and poor grades, develop low self-esteem and get discouraged about school and their education. This is a sad reality that is totally preventable. Intense global competition today has created a critical need for better study skills to achieve greater success in school and on the job.
Too many students read textbooks the same way they read a novel and that is a big mistake!
The time-tested and proven studying skills, techniques and tools contained within SQ3R has been preparing students in the military services and academia for more than seven decades with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence they need to become better life-long learners and more successful in school.
Who is the Instructor?
Robert M. Goss, Jr., M.Ed, Founder and Chief Instructor of 21st Century Study Skills is an expert in SQ3R training. In the past decade he has trained more than a thousand high school students on SQ3R techniques. Please review some of his former students' testimonials on this website. As a high school Biology and Biotechnology teacher for more than 28 years he knows what kind of studying skills and techniques students need to achieve higher test scores and better grades. His presentations are inspiring and will motivate your students to achieve their full potential in school. He will teach them how to be more successful by using proven reading comprehension strategies and study skills. He has incorporated computer note-taking skills and modern 'whole brain' learning techniques into a new and enhanced version of SQ3R called SQ4R. SQ4R techniques will enable your students to study more effectively from any textbooks no matter what course they are taking; History, Science, Health, English, Psychology, Economics, etc. These are life-long learning skills that are easy-to-use, quick, and accurate. Mr. Goss has also trained hundreds of technical adults in private business during a distinguished training career in the high-tech industry.
What are 21st Century Study Skills?
SQ4R builds on the research and strengths of Robinson's SQ3R and brings that proven how-to-study program into the 21st Century. 21st Century Study Skills clearly understands the training needs of today's students. As a result, SQ4R puts the spotlight on using computers in the note-taking process and emphasizes left brain/right brain research to show students how to store important information from textbooks into their long-term memory and recall it during high-stakes tests. Neither of these developments existed in the early 1940's when SQ3R was originally developed by Robinson. These improvements will lead to higher grades and GPA, acceptance into better colleges, more scholarships, better jobs and more rewarding careers. If your students, young or old, need better study skills to help achieve their goals and dreams this unique program is for you.
Contact us now, and let's discuss how we can provide your students with the most effective study skills ever developed.
Equip your students with successful study skills and show them how to stop struggling in school and get their lives on a more positive track. We can easily customize the content towards the following audiences:
SQ4R for College Students
SQ4R for High School
SQ4R for Middle School
SQ4R for Special Education
SQ4R for Teachers
SQ4R for Government Training Programs (Police, Fire, Corrections, Homeland Security)
SQ4R for Advanced Placement
SQ4R for Business (Insurance, Law Enforcement, Gov'n, etc..)