I never met a student that didn’t want to be successful. Every student wants to get good marks on tests and course grades. They also know the importance of the Grade Point Average (GPA) and how it can affect high school and college success. To be more successful today, students need the competitive edge to achieve the honor roll, win scholarships, get accepted into ‘first choice’ colleges and be offered good paying jobs.
It’s not easy for students to be in high school today. Global competition and graduation requirements are rising and reading scores are declining. The average high school student takes approximately 300 high-stakes tests during Grades 9-12. Yet, most schools are not teaching students how to use SQ3R-based study skills to prepare for important tests. In fact, most students are reading textbooks like novels and that is a big mistake and the first thing that needs to change to improve. Reading a textbook has different objectives than reading a novel.
Students read textbooks to educate themselves on subjects such as; history, technology, science, psychology, etc and prepare to take important tests on those subjects to determine a grade for the course. To do this effectively they need to learn how to use proven study techniques and skills to perform the following reading comprehension tasks:
1. extract and translate the most important information from the ‘fluff’ in the text and organize it into clear and concise notes (#1 problem in learning)
2. use their whole brain to store important information into long-term memory and recall it during high-stakes tests
This is different from reading a novel. To perform the above tasks and get good grades, students need to master a SQ3R-based pedagogical strategy like 21st Century Study Skills. SQ3R is referred to as the ‘father of how-to-study methods’ and has been used for more than 80 years to train and develop leaders. We have updated it into the 21st Century by adding computer technology and whole brain memory techniques. Neither of these technologies existed 80 years ago. It’s more powerful now than ever before. To help you understand how this proprietary training will impact your students please click on this link to my website and read how 21st Century Study Skills changed the lives of my former students:
Please contact me to learn more about our customized virtual and in-person Teacher and Student Workshops and how you can equip your students in one-day of training with the competitive edge they need to achieve greater levels of academic success. Thank you.