Study Skills Blog

It’s Time to Rethink Your ‘New School Year’ Priorities

Posted September 24th, 2024
It’s Time to Rethink Your ‘New School Year’ Priorities


According to research, the average family spent about $1,000 per child this year to get their children PHYSICALLY ready to participate in the new school year. In addition to new clothes, footwear, and haircuts, most parents also bought; new back packs, lunch boxes, water bottles, phones, computers, calculators, binders, paper and writing materials. It’s an exciting time and parents want to make sure their children look good and are ready to compete and achieve their fullest academic potential in school.


However, school is a huge challenge today because the average high school student takes approximately 300 high-stakes tests during grades 9-12. How well they perform on these tests will determine, more than any other factor, how well they do in school. The marks they earn in core courses will determine their Grade Point Average (GPA) which measures how well they do academically in comparison to their peers. More importantly, how well they score on those tests will affect their level of self-esteem, personal confidence, academic motivation, honor roll status, scholarship attainment and overall satisfaction with school.


Additionally, their performance on those tests will have a major impact on their post-graduation plans. Whether they plan to attend college, if so, and where? Or, do they plan to enlist in military services or pursue demanding careers. In great part, these ‘life changing’ decisions depend on how well they do scholastically in high school. Therefore, more than any other attribute, the ability to study effectively and consistently earn good scores on tests will have the greatest impact on young peoples’ lives. My compliments to all the parents out there for spending their hard earned money to get their children physically ready for school but let’s not forget the importance of getting them mentally ready for success in school by equipping them with the knowledge and skill they need to; separate important information from what’s not important in textbooks, create effective and well organized outlines, read and comprehend important information from text books, translate important information into clear and concise notes, store important information into their long-term memory and recall it during high-stakes tests. These skills must be learned and developed. They do not happen automatically.


It’s time for parents, educational leaders and all stake-holders to rethink your priorities and include these critical learning skills in your ‘new school year’ preparations. It will only cost a fraction of what parents are already spending per child and you will get much greater academic returns on your investments. Visit our 21st Century Study Skills website and read our Testimonials pages to learn more about how we will transform your students’ lives for the better with this one-of-a-kind invaluable training:


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