As you continue to plan your ‘Recovery and Reopening Strategy’ please consider the following Professional Development courses for the 2022-23 school year. This training would be an excellent investment for your Title I&II funds because it will improve the teaching effectiveness of your teachers and increase student academic success. Our courses will motivate and inspire your students to achieve their full academic potential and pass the state’s learning standards tests. Please consider these ‘life changing’ testimonials from our former students:
Teachers will learn new pedagogical skills they did not learn in college that can be used immediately to boost student success. Also, parents will be grateful for getting their students ready for the ‘rigors’ of an expensive college experience. Each course is research-based and varies from 2-6 hours and can be tailored specifically for your students and school. We can combine courses to maximize the solutions and benefits you receive. Also, we will focus on at-risk and other disadvantaged students that need help learning how to study effectively. Please consider the following SQ3R-based courses we are offering this year along with our personal guarantee you will be satisfied with the results:
SQ3R-Related Courses available:
1. 21st Century Study Skills based on SQ3R (Our Flagship Course)
2. Effective Classroom Management Skills and Techniques
3. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Training …also called Character Education
4. Student-to-Student Study Skills Mentoring Programs
5. Differentiated Instruction based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences
5. How to Improve College and Career Readiness
6. How to Motivate and Inspire Unmotivated Students
7. How to Teach the ‘Whole Student’ (Aptitude & Attitude) in One Day
8. How to Reduce Classroom Disruptions and Gain Valuable Teaching Time
9. How to Transform High Needs At-Risk Students into Honor Students
10. How to Close Achievement Gaps in Your Diverse Student Enrollment
11. How to Increase Graduation Rates and Reduce Chronic Absenteeism
12. How to Reduce Costly Dropping Out and Increase ROI to the Taxpayers
13. How to Empower Students to Achieve their Full Academic Potential
14. How to Increase the Teaching Effectiveness of Your Staff
15. How to Maximize the Academic Impact of your 7-12 Curriculum
If you have any interests or questions about the PD courses above, please contact us by clicking on the link to our website and read about our Teacher and Student Workshops and check out our Student Testimonials to see how 21st Century Study Skills will positively impact your students’ education and life. Also, please consider joining my newly formed Group entitled, 21st Century Study Skills based on SQ3R, so we can stay connected regarding important educational problems and solutions: