Study Skills BlogHOW TO MOTIVATE UNMOTIVATED STUDENTSWHEN SHOULD STUDENTS BE TAUGHT HOW TO STUDY EFFECTIVELY?WHAT'S THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO LEARN TEXTUAL INFORMATION?Primary Memory refers to our ‘short-term’ memory which is very limited in its ability to remember and recall important information. HOW TO CLOSE WIDENING ACHIEVEMENT GAPSAccording to the National Center for Education Statistics, achievement gaps occur when a group of students such as, students grouped by nationality, ethnicity, gender, or socio-economics outperforms another group on tests and the difference in average scores is statistically significant. WHY SQ3R IS THE BEST TEACHING & LEARNING STRATEGY EVER DEVELOPEDSQ3R was developed by the USA military in 1942 at Ohio State University and used to accelerate the training of 150,000 enlistees into leadership positions to help win WWll. HOW TO ACCELERATE STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE?The first thing you need to do is teach students how to stop reading textbooks like novels. Most students do not know how to effectively read textbooks. IMPROVE EDUCATION BY GETTING RID OF THE IBM-MENTALITY |
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